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happiness is a choice

I had the weekly privilege of going to mutual last night! Although it was service I felt excited to get started! Im trying to be more interested in everything I do these days and it makes EVERYTHING feel better. I told my self that I would put in all my effort to actually enjoy the things I usually find dumb and pointless. I feel so much better about myself and about others. I love the gospel with all my heart!!! Im thankful for a loving Father in Heaven who loves me and always wants to listen to what I have to say. I love the gospel and the church so very much! It is truly the church of our savior! If you are reading this then I encourage you to bid farewell to all your burdens and turn unto Christ. He loves you... 

But do you love him? 

Anyway lets get back to the subject haha! Youth was a blast! We cleaned the back porch of one of the widows from church then we weeded her whole front garden. We were meant to go to two other houses but the weeding took for-ever!!! I stopped and asked everyone if we could all pray for the lords guidance and spirit that we would be able to quickly do our task. So we prayed. As soon as the prayer finished it looked like the garden had weeded itself! We were in teams and we were like the last ones back! But it was a wonderful experience! I ended the day with a Tuesday night pizza and a can of Mountain Dew lol. Heres some pictures of our team, I think their were about 6 teams of 4? Happy wednesday everyone!
Oh and P.S these are really bad quality (taken from a phone) and excuse my immodesty! LOL


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